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List of Nutritionists Spain


List of Nutritionists in Spain. 3350 Nutritionists. 3100 Phones. 1740 Emails


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List of Nutritionists in Spain. 3350 Nutritionists. 3100 Phones. 1740 Emails


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A nutritionist, dietitian-nutritionist, nutritionist, dietician or dietician is a healthcare professional who is an expert in food, nutrition and dietetics. It is mainly responsible for the general and specific nutritional-dietary diagnosis, as well as the nutritional-dietary treatment of diseases, such as diabetes, malnutrition, kidney failure, obesity, Crohn's disease, treatment with enteral and parenteral artificial nutrition in hospitals, or home, the prevention of pathologies through food, nutrition and dietetics, decide collaboratively on the treatment of cancer patients, etc., in addition to adapting the food, nutrition and dietetics of each person to any physiological situation, such as pregnancy, lactation, sports, etc, and pathological with character of first intention, as a doctor in his own area of ​​knowledge, which is Nutrition and Dietetics. It also intervenes in the management of quality control and food safety, the design and planning of menus adapted to pathologies in hospitals, school cafeterias or nursing homes or in the intervention, design and development of activities and policies related to public health.

His training integrates knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, bromatology, nutrition, nutritional therapy, dietetics, diet therapy, physiology, pathophysiology, pathology, clinic, semiology and exploratory techniques to define a nosological, functional and topographic clinical judgment, toxicology, food microbiology, chemical and food biochemistry, food technology and a long etcetera.

With different names and studies in each country, it generally requires a university degree of four or more years.


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